Monday, January 30, 2012


Here are a few pix of our  Open house.

We Got It!

On September 22nd  we received our long awaited mission call to Johannesburg, South Africa to serve in the temple. We only applied for a 12 month mission but were pleasantly surprised to find out we were asked to go for 18 months.

We have to go through a series of Immunizations, Medical check-ups, FBI checks, and did we mention Immunizations? all in the effort to obtain our visas.

It has been quite an experience getting all of our finances in order and eliminating all unnecessary items such as: cars, comcast, insurance, cell phones and credit cards, you know the great necessities of life.

We have found that the missionary dept. has exceeded our expectations in  assisting in making our mission departure as flawless as possible. They even changed our flights so that we wouldn't have to fly for 16 hours straight but now we get to stop in London for 10 hours and we get to fly in business first class. Not bad eh?

Our mission farewell was a wonderful experience and a day full of  family, dear friends and memories.
We spoke in the ward (which due to a water pipe break we had to move the mtg to 9 instead of 11 which meant a  lot of phone calls and some rearranging of schedules at the last second) but it worked out and everyone who came made it special.

One week left before we head to the MTC. We will be there for 2 weeks and then we get 1 weekend  to come back home before we fly out on February 20th.

Zulu to you!